

英漢字典: get through

1. pass through 通過;穿過;越過

    The water gets through the house every time it rains. 每逢下雨,這房子都漏。

    You would wonder how such a large animal could get through such a small hole. 你或許會想這樣大的一個動物是怎麼通過這麼小的一個洞的。

    He got through into the flooded mine and rescued the wounded miners. 他鑽進了淹了水的礦井,把受傷的礦工救了出來。

2. finish or deal with 完成;解決

    I've a pile of papers to get through before the meeting. 會前我有一堆文件要處理。

    He got through his business as quickly as he could. 他盡快完成了他的事務工作。

    My secretary is very quick;she gets through a lot of work in a morning. 我的秘書很利索,她一個早上能幹完許多事情。

3. be successful in;pass an examination or vote(考試)及格;通過考試或表決

    I got through the written papers but failed in the oral examination. 我筆試及格,但口試失敗了。

    The teacher got them through without any failures. 老師讓學生全部通過了考試。

    The candidates didn't all get through. 候選人沒有全部通過。

4. be approved by Parliament,etc;cause(a bill,etc. )to be passed 通過(議案、法案等)

    The bill got through by a margin of five votes. 這議案以5票的微弱多數通過。

    We hardly had any difficulty in getting the bill through. 我們毫不費勁地就使這項議案通過了。

5. consume;spend;use up花完;用完;度過(時間)

    She got through her husband's money in a year. 她一年內就把丈夫的錢全花完了。

    You may wonder how so much food could be got through by such a small child. 你會感到奇怪,這樣小的孩子怎麼能吃掉那麼多的食物。

    He usually gets through his salary by the middle of the month. 他通常半個月就用完了一個月的工資。

    His Sundays were difficult to get through. 他的星期天很難打發。

6. reach a destination 抵達目的地

    If more supplies do not get through in time,thousands of refugees will die. 如果更多的救濟品不能及時到達的話,數以千計地難民將要死亡。

    I started as soon as your message got through to me. 我一接到你的信就立刻動身了。

7. make contact with sb. (usu. by telephone)接通(電話);取得聯系

    The operator finally got me through. 電話員終于幫我接通了電話。

8. succeed in surviving 經過…之後仍然活著

    The patient got through another bad winter. 這病人又平安地度過了一個嚴冬。

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